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PKF Carr & Stanton


A member of the PKF International Network

Your business development partners - Handle the past, deal with the present, focus on the future.

Offering you something special:

  • Experienced experts speaking your language
  • Internationally connected and outcome focus
  • Solving problems and removing barriers
  • Identifying new opportunities and co-designing innovative approaches

Everything and everyone focused on driving business success.

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Featured News 2024-05-21

TMNZ Budget 2024 Webinar

TMNZ Budget 2024 Webinar

Flood relief announcement

As we head into the budget day tomorrow, and our region continues to grapple with the clean-up from Cyclone Gabrielle, there have been a number of flood relief announcements recently that we would like to bring to your attention.

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Michael’s Comments - March 2023

I hope this newsletter edition finds you and your family safe and well after an extraordinary last six weeks.

Our thoughts are with everyone who has lost a loved one, lost their homes or their livelihoods as a result of the cyclone.

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