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Home News Latest News PKF Carr & Stanton Celebrates 90 years!
Latest News • 2024-08-29

PKF Carr & Stanton Celebrates 90 years!




Carr & Stanton has been part of Hawke’s Bay's business fabric for the last 90 years and is a history that we are very proud of.

The year was 1934 when Harold Carr set up an accounting firm here in Hastings and one of his first clients was a gentleman by the name of James Wattie.

Harold was an innovator and with James Wattie, they walked up and down Queen St, soliciting funds to set up a fresh fruit canning business in Hawke’s Bay. Together they set up Wattie Canneries, which morphed into the business we know to today as Kraft Heinz Watties.

In 1937 Harold Carr was joined in the accounting firm by Dick Stanton, forming Carr & Stanton. Peter Jackson joined the firm in 1963 and then Michael Jackson in 1987 and is today’s director.

Through those 90 years our services may have evolved, as the needs of our clients have grown and changed, but our services levels and the quality of our work has always been our competitive edge.


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