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The Government has announced some changes to the Small Business Cashflow (Loan) Scheme.
Are you ready for the changes to New Zealand Trust Law which will take effect from 1st February 2021?
As we continue to navigate uncertain economic times, we encourage you to spend some time reviewing your business to ensure that you are well equipped to deal with the headwinds still to come. Some key questions that we think you should consider:
If you have a connection to a Trust, as settlor, trustee or beneficiary you need to be aware of your rights and obligations.
It’s always pleasing for us to see start-up businesses doing well, overcoming obstacles and forging ahead, and this could not be more so in the uncertain year that has been 2020.
Thanks to everyone who attended our second Xero Hubdoc webinar on the 10th September. We had a huge turnout and it was a great opportunity to answer your questions. If you missed either of our webinars you can watch the recorded sessions in the full article.